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  Authors information

  • For the works proposed for publication in the Romanian Journal of Civil Engineering there are no fees or charges for the author for processing the manuscript and/or publish the article
  • The publication of the article is conditioned by its analysis in a peer-review process, as mentioned in "Publication ethics"; the author is obliged to participate in the peer-review process
  • All authors of an article must have a significant contribution to its development
  • In the event of an error in the work, after its publication, the author is obliged to make the necessary corrections or to withdraw the work
  • The article proposed for publication in the Romanian Journal of Civil Engineering has not been published and can no longer be published in another journal
  • The article proposed for publication will necessarily mention the bibliographic sources used. The bibliography will correspond to the references in the text of the article. Where appropriate, the works specified in the bibliography should also mention the link of their digital identifier - DOI - Digital Object Identifier
  • If applicable, the article will contain mentions regarding the financial support for its realization
  • The proposed article for publication will not exceed 12 pages in A4 format
  • Articles proposed for publication will be in English.
  • The article must include the following:
    - title
    - authors and their affiliation
    - abstract
    - keywords
    - an introductory section
    - a section on the materials and methods used
    - a results section
    - a conclusions section
    - references
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