Energie comuna si absorbita aferenta unei cladiri deservite de o sursa hibrida - pompa de caldura cu boiler Shared and intake energy related to a building served by a hybrid source - heat pump with boiler Florin IORDACHE, Mugurel TALPIGA
Evaluarea aporturilor si consumurilor energetice aferente utilizarii pompelor de caldura pentru deservirea cladirilor in ceea ce priveste incalzirea spatiilor si/sau prepararea apei calde de consum comporta 3 etape principale de calcul : evaluarea coeficientului de performanta al pompei de caldura, COP, determinarea temperaturii exterioare de echilibru, teE si calculul puterilor de baza
ale pompei: puterea termica livrata la condensator, puterea termica absorbita la vaporizator, puterea electrica utilizata si puterea termica livrata de centrala termica. In lucrarea se prezinta in detaliu evaluarea fiecareia din aceste 4 tipuri de puteri energetice. Procedura de lucru descrisa permite utilizarea programului de calcul al BIN-urilor lunare.
Cuvinte Cheie: sursă hibrida, pompa de caldura cu boiler
The assessment of shared and consumed energy related to heat pumps for servicing
buildings in terms of space heating and/or the preparation of domestic hot water involves 3 main stages of calculation: assessment of the heat pump's coefficient of performance, COP, determination of the external equilibrium temperature , teE and the calculation of the basic powers of the pump: the thermal power delivered to the condenser, the thermal power absorbed by the evaporator, the electrical power used and the thermal power delivered by the heating plant. The paper presents in detail the evaluation of each of these 4 types of energy powers. The described work procedure allows the use of the monthly BIN calculation program.
Keywords: hybrid source, heat pump with boiler
Factori cheie pentru a avea o calitate buna a somnului in dormitoare Key factors to have a good sleep quality in bedrooms Cristian PACURAR, Adriana TOKAR, Marius ADAM
The indoor air quality in bedrooms is one of the main factors that influence the human performance during these days. Throughout the years, a lot of studies described the relation between the climate comfort and the performance. This study presents the important factors to have a quality sleep with the main effect being daily productivity
Keywords: thermal comfort, productivity, performance, environmental quality, indoor air quality (IAQ)
Provocari in evaluarea inter pares, o lectie pentru imbunatatirea reglementarilor tehnice guvernamentale in domeniul hidrotehnic Challenges in peer review, a lesson for improving technical government regulations in the hydrotechnical field Cristian ANGHEL, Daniel CORNEA, Stefan Ciprian STANCA, Cornel ILINCA
Since hydrotechnical is a broad topic, the peer review process is extremely important in maintaining the quality and validity of technical government regulations.
Peer review is necessary to improve government technical regulations in the hydrotechnical field, as it is observed from ISI articles on some of these regulations which are characterized by eclecticism.
A primary challenge in peer review is finding specialists who are capable of reviewing technical documents. This challenge is also relevant regarding government regulations. Solutions to this challenge include maintaining a database of academic specialists, incentives to participate, and
encouraging collaboration between agencies and academic institutions.
Disclosure of the reviewers’ identities and the provision of guidelines for the review process of technical regulations should be a priority of the relevant authorities, as it would promote transparency.
Regulations should be designed as adaptable and responsive to changes and new information in ored to address the dynamic nature of hydrotechnical issues.
Keywords: Peer review; Hydrotechnical regulations; Government normatives; Transparency in
regulations; Adaptability in regulations; Regulatory quality; Academic specialists; Ecological flow
O evaluare comparativa a performantei sistemelor de incalzire prin pardoseala A comparative evaluation of floor heating systems performance Alexandru DORCA, Adriana TOKAR, Marius ADAM, Danut TOKAR, Daniel MUNTEAN
Underfloor heating systems ensure maximum comfort through optimal vertical
temperature distribution, and the possibility of exact control and programming of the indoor climate. Used as a total heating source, the underfloor heating system will provide all the heat requirements of the space to be heated, provided that the external walls are properly insulated. In the study, two underfloor heating systems were analyzed using the dynamic simulation feature of
the HTflux software. Following these simulations, temperature differences will be observed in front of the floor finish depending on the type of system used. The wet screed system heats up significantly faster and reaches a higher temperature by approximately 4.5% compared to the dry screed system.
Keywords: heating floor, wet and dry system, thermal inertia, temperature distribution
Indicatori cheie de performanta energetica pentru infrastructurile de cercetare echipate cu sistem HVAC optimizat Energy key performance indicators for research infrastructures equipped with optimized HVAC system Razvan –Silviu STEFAN, Radu-Mircea DAMIAN, Delia TINCA
In the context of the effort to find the right key performance indicator that allows comparing the energy efficiency of the ELI-NP research infrastructure equipped with a unique HVAC geothermal system with other similar infrastructures, the paper presents key performance indicators used to evaluate the energy efficiency of buildings. The end goal is to optimize and make the infrastructure energy efficient while maintaining the operating parameters imposed by the
research activity.
Keywords: energy key, HVAC System
Valorificarea potentialului energetic a gazelor asociate din zacamintele de apa geotermala in instalatii de cogenerare Harnessing the Energy Potential of Associated Gases from Geothermal Water Deposits in Micro-Cogeneration Power Plants Dan Radu Danciu STANOIU, Emil Valer HERLO, Manuel Valer HERLO
The paper presents an approach to use the associated gases from geothermal water
deposits for electric and thermal energy cogeneration in centralized distribution systems.
Keywords: associated gases, energy sources
Pasii catre o infrastructura cu impact minim asupra mediului: modelul de buna practica ELI-NP The steps towards an infrastructure with minimal impact on the environment: the ELI-NP model of good practice Razvan –Silviu STEFAN, Daniel CORNEA
The paper presents steps taken to minimise the impact of the ELI-NP research
infrastructure on the environment, on a roadmap towards a green facility.
The current crisis highlights the need to invest in strong renewable infrastructure and sparks interest in using cleaner, more sustainable energy sources.
As a result, stakeholders’ interest is to maximise the infrastructure’s initial potential while simultaneously enhancing key performance metrics and energy efficiency. The primary aim of the ELI-NP decision makers is to enhance the efficiency of the current infrastructure in order to minimise its energy consumption.
Reducing the carbon footprint of the infrastructure is also a major goal in minimising its effects on the environment. To make the switch to green infrastructure, future investments are scheduled.
Keywords: model of good practice, environment
Masuratori experimentale si analiza parametriilor care influenteaza consumul de energie electrica in sisteme HVAC Experimental measurements and analysis of the parameters that influence the consumption of electrical energy in HVAC systems. Marius ADAM, Adriana TOKAR, Alexandru DORCA, Danut ToKAR Alexandru FILIPOVICI
The building sector is one of the largest final consumers of energy, especially for air conditioning, and research has shown that there is a great potential for energy savings in this sector. The performance of a chiller can vary significantly depending on system partial loads and evaporator and condenser operating temperatures. The condensers of water-only chillers take the heat of condensation from the refrigerant only through the sensible heat of the refrigerant, leading to significant water flows. The outside air temperature and the intensity of solar radiation directly influence the consumption of electricity on the chiller. Having available the values for the solar
radiation intensity I [W/m2] and the outside air temperature te [⁰C], with the help of the proposed mathematical model, validated by experimental measurements, the optimal values for the minimum electricity consumption of the system are obtained, under the conditions which the chilled water temperature is 7/12⁰C and the indoor air temperature is 27⁰C
Keywords: HVAC, energy efficiency, GWP, chiller, cooling, mechanical ventilation, GES.
Sticla celulara de mare rezistenta realizata printr-o tehnica neconventionala eficienta High-strength cellular glass made by an effective unconventional technique Lucian PAUNESCU, Sorin Mircea AXINTE, Enikö VOLCEANOV
Fabricarea sticlei celulare utilizand sticla reziduala reciclata ca materie prima de baza a avut ca obiectiv obtinerea unui material poros cu excelente proprietati termoizolante si, in acelasi timp, realizarea unei rezistențe la compresiune relativ inalta pentru aplicatii in construcții.
Lucrarea este originala datorita tipului de incalzire adoptata (neconvenționala) si propriei solutii alese pentru a obtine eficiemta maxima de incalzire fara afectarea calitatii produsului final (partial, incalzire directa cu microunde si partial, incalzire indirecta prin radiatie termica).
Eficienta energetica a procesului (consum specific sub 1 kWh/kg) a fost remarcabila
Cuvinte Cheie: sticlă celulară, sticlă reziduală reciclată, borax, carbonat de calciu, microundă
The manufacture of cellular glass using recycled residual glass as the basic raw
material had the objective of obtaining a porous material with excellent thermal insulation properties and, at the same time, achieving a relatively high compression strength for construction applications. The work is original due to the type of heating adopted (unconventional) and the own solution chosen to obtain the maximum heating efficiency without affecting the quality of the final
product (partially direct heating with microwaves and partially indirect heating by thermal radiation). The energy efficiency of the process (specific consumption below 1 kWh/kg) was remarkable.
Keywords: cellular glass, recycled residual glass, borax, calcium carbonate, microwave
Hidranti interiori - mod de abordare Interior hydrants - approach Florin BUMBAR, Remus RETEZAN, Adrian RETEZAN
The paper signals aspects regarding the functional efficiency of the interior fire hydrants provided by the whole water source, power supply network and the Hii system/installation
Keywords: interior hydrants fire range
Analiza materialului cu schimbare de faza in peretele unei camere pentru reglarea termica: O abordare prin CFD Analysis of Phase Change Material in Room Wall for Thermal Regulation: A Computational Fluid Dynamics Approach Catalin-George POPOVICI, Emilian-Florin TURCANU, Vasilica CIOCAN, Nelu-Cristian CHERECHES, Sebastian-Valeriu HUDISTEANU, Ana Diana ANCAS, Marina VERDES, Marius- Vasile ATANASIU, Dumitru Doru Burduhos NERGIS
The integration of phase change materials (PCMs) into building structures has become a focal point for researchers aiming to enhance thermal comfort and energy efficiency in buildings.
This comprehensive article delves into the analysis of PCMs embedded in room walls, emphasizing their role in thermal regulation and the innovative application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in evaluating their performance.
Keywords: Phase Change Materials (PCMs), Thermal Regulation, Sustainable Building Design,
Temperature Stabilization, Energy Conservation
Lidar vs Camera termica: monitorizarea pierderilor de energie in cladiri - studiu bibliografic Lidar vs Thermal Camera: monitoring building energy losses - bibliographic review Floarea - Maria BREBU, Alina-Corina BALA, Cosmin-Constantin MUSAT
Today, energy efficiency plays a key role in achieving climate change targets. Globally, countries are trying to reduce emissions and provide renewable and sustainable energy resources.
As most rely on non-renewable sources as their primary source of energy, it is important to adopt ways to be energy efficient with what is currently affordable [1]. In this article we present a bibliographical survey of the literature on this emerging topic, providing an in-depth study and analysis of works published over the last two decades. Within each research area, an overview of several recent applications of the use of two innovative technologies LIDAR and thermal camera is presented: regional classification of environmental data, providing relevant data needed for reporting the energy efficiency of a building, including the use of artificial intelligence algorithms
Keywords: LIDAR, thermal image, energy, losses, buildings
Criterii de stabilitate in structurile plantelor Stability Criteria in Plant Structures Houssam KHELALFA, Khaoula KHELALFA
This article explores the intricate relationship between plant structure and stability, shedding light on the fundamental aspects that enable plants to withstand environmental forces and maintain an upright position. Delving into the realms of geotechnical biology, we dissect the genetic, environmental, and biological influences shaping plant structures.
From the physical perspective, we examine how plant structures facilitate water
absorption, nutrient transport, and resistance to environmental stress. Emphasizing the crucial role of root systems in anchoring and providing stability, we navigate through the evolutionary adaptations of different plant structures in response to varying environmental conditions. The concept of stability is elucidated, encompassing factors such as root structure, stem strength, flexibility, and biomass distribution. The influence of growth environment, including soil composition and moisture levels, on plant stability
is highlighted, alongside the importance of external factors like wind, rain, and animal activities. The article concludes by emphasizing the need for a multidisciplinary approach, involving insights from plant biology, geotechnical engineering, and structural mechanics, to enhance the stability and resilience of plant structures.
Keywords: Geotechnical Biology, Bio-Inspired Geotechnics, Plant, Soil, Equilibrium
System, Safety Factor (SF)
Provocari si avantaje in recuperarea energiei reziduale din gazele de ardere de la cazane cu functionare pe biomasa Challenges and advantages in recovering waste energy from flue gases from biomass boilers Daniel BISORCA, Adriana TOKAR, Danut TOKAR, Daniel MUNTEAN
In prezent, arderea biomasei in scop energetic se realizeaza cu un randament scazut datorita faptului ca pe cosul de fum sunt emise in atmosfera gaze fierbinti care au un potential de energie reziduala posibil a fi folosita in scop energetic. Contextul politic al Uniunii Europene si ambitiile pentru solutionarea problemei emisiilor gazelor cu efect de sera, relanseaza noi provocari atat pentru comunitatea cercetatorilor cat si pentru producatorii de echipamente pentru oferirea de solutii viabile pentru cresterea eficientei energetice a instalatiilor care folosesc biomasa in scop energetic.
Cuvinte Cheie: Sistem de recuperare a gazelor de ardere din biomasa, sistem de purificare a gazelor arse, cazan de biomasa eficient energetic
Currently, the burning of biomass for energy purposes is carried out with a low yield due to the fact that the chimney emits hot gases into the atmosphere that have a residual energy potential that can be used for energy purposes. The political context of the European Union and the ambitions to solve the problem of greenhouse gas emissions, relaunch new challenges both for the research
community and for equipment manufacturers to offer viable solutions to increase the energy efficiency of plants that use biomass for energy purposes.
Keywords: Biomass flue gas recovery system, flue gas purification system, energy efficient
biomass boiler