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  Numarul 4/2018

Volumul 9 (2018), Nr. 4 - Vizualizare numar complet

Solar decathlon middle east competition house of team twist box
Andrej Črnila, Aleksandra Sretenović, Stefan Milanović

The Solar House "Twist Box" is a project of the Belgrade University, run by the Faculty of Architecture; School of Electrical Engineering; Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. This project has been launched for the purpose of the "Solar Decathlon Middle East" competition and is now in the final stage in which the documentation for carrying out the works is being prepared. Here we will be talking about the HVAC equipment that will be designed for this building, the way they are selected and solutions that are developed in order to reduce heat load. The first problem we encounter is location and climatic conditions. The location where this house will be built in November 2018 is 30km from Dubai UAE. Climatic conditions at this location are very unfavorable from the standpoint of air conditioning because they represent a combination of very high temperatures and intense solar radiation. In order to achieve comfort conditions inside the building, it is necessary to provide the required amount of fresh air of the appropriate temperature. In order to select an adequate system, it was first necessary to calculate the heat load based on climatic influences, thearchitectural and construction model, the number of people envisaged to be in premises, electrical installations and other factors. In addition to the calculated heat flow, a simulation was performed that showed a more realistic picture throughout the year. After calculating the heat load, equipment is selected for covering the total heat load, which ensures the design temperature in the room and provides the required amount of fresh air. The preparation of air-conditioned air is carried out using a heat recovery, and high-static ducted indoor units. The heat recovery serves to cool the fresh outside air at the expense of heating the waste air from the room. The high-static ducted indoor unitsare supplied with the refrigerant from the outdoor unit. Prepared air is supplied to the living space by means of supply air equipment which has been selected so that it fits best into the interior, while ensuring sufficient levels of noise and, more importantly, to provide an adequate air flow inside the space. The second task is the preparation of domestic hot water, which is done by solar energy receiver. Space is allocated on the roof for the solar energy receiver, and it is connected with the hot water boiler inside the house.

Keywords: SDME; HVAC; Solar; Efficiency; Sustainability.

Aspecte privind propagarea zgomotului cauzat de curgerea aeraulică
Aspects of noise propagation caused by aeraulic flow
Carmen Mârza, Georgiana Corsiuc

Noțiunea de confort sau „starea de bine” reprezintă concepte care înglobează un cumul de exigente ale indivizilor vis-a-vis de mediul în care își desfășoară activitatea. În această lucrare, autoarele își propun o dezbatere privind confortul acustic în clădiri, mai concret aspecte legate de propagarea zgomotelor în canalele de ventilare/climatizare și măsurile care se impun pentru atenuarea acestora, chiar dacă valoarea presiunii acustice datorată acestei cauze nu are valori extrem de mari.

Cuvinte cheie: confort acustic, surse de zgomot, curgere aeraulică, atenuare zgomote.

The terms of comfort and "well-being" are concepts that includes a cumulus of people requirements regarding the environment in which they operate. In this paper, the authors propose a debate on acoustic comfort in buildings, more specifically aspects of the propagation of noise in the ventilation / air conditioning ducts and the measures required to attenuate them, even if the value of the acoustic pressure due to this cause has no extreme values.

Keywords: acoustic comfort, noise sources, aeraulic flow, noise attenuation.

Sistem sursa utilizand energia solara si pompa de caldura pentru incalzirea unei cladiri. Analiza energetica
Source system using solar energy and heat pump to heat a building. Energy analysis
prof. dr. Ing. Florin Iordache, drd. ing. Mugurel Talpiga

Lucrarea de fata urmareste analiza energetica a unui sistem neconventional compus dintr-o bucla de captare a energiei solare legata in paralel cu o pompa de caldura, ambele pompand puteri termice care se insumeaza in contul agentului termic vehiculat in instalatia de incalzire centrala a unei cladiri. In lucrare se prezinta procedura de evaluare a performantelor energetice ale acestui sistem utilizand energia solara si energia mediului exterior si se realizeaza o aplicatie pe un studiu de caz. Rezultatele sunt prezentate tabelar si grafic in cateva diagrame. In final se fac aprecieri asupra parametrilor importanti capabili sa conduca la cresterea performantelor energetice aferente acestor tipuri de sisteme de utilizare a surselor regenerabile.

Cuvinte cheie: energie solara, pompe de caldura, surse regenerabile

The present paper follows the energy analysis of an unconventional system consisting of a solar energy capture loop connected in parallel with a heat pump, both pumping thermal energies that are summed up in the account of the thermal agent circulated in the central heating installation of a building. The paper presents the procedure for assessing the energy performance of this system using solar energy and the energy of the external environment, and an application is made on a case study. The results are presented tabularly and graphically in some diagrams. Finally, we assess the important parameters able to increase the energy performance of these types of systems for the use of renewable sources.

Keywords: solar energy, heat pumps, renewable sources

Numerical thermal analysis of wall structure of a sustainable building
Mykola Savytskyi, Babenko Maryna, Berezyuk Anatoliy, Kuzmenko Oleksandra

The straw-wooden panel became an integral part of eco-building in the 21st century. Combined with wooden frame, interior and exterior protective layers, this technology allows to achieve passive house and nearly zero energy standard. This paper represents the numerical analysis of simplified fragments of straw-wooden panel in two variants: with and without accumulation layer and heating. The obtained data will be compared with the next investigations concerning the detailed structure with wooden frame and expected thermal bridges.

Keywords: straw-wooden panels, insulation, numerical analysis, housing construction, green building, sustainable development in constructions

Impactul performanțelor elementelor de anvelopă vitrate asupra performanțelor energetice ale clădirii, confortului (thermic & luminos) și calității mediului interior
Impact of vitreous tire performance on the energy performance of the building, comfort (thermal & light) and indoor environment
Conf. dr. ing. Victoria COTOROBAI, Lec. S. Iulia NEGARĂ, conf. dr. ing. Silviana BRATA, I.C. COTOROBAI

Impunerea unor noi exigențe pentru clădirile viitorului (NZBE, și altele) necesită instrumente de concepere mult mai puternice și eficiente în raport cu instrumentele uzuale care să permită previzionarea comportamentului dinamic al acestora în condiții climatice specifice amplasamentului, în contextul vecinătăților și care să poată oferi un climat și o calitate a mediului interior adecvat cu cerințele ocupanților. În lucrare se prezintă rezultatele unui studiu de caz care a vizat configurarea optimă a elementelor de construcție exterioare vitrate, în condiții climatice dinamice, pentru clădirile noi și îmbunătățirea elementelor de construcție existente pentru a realiza anvelopa clădirilor NZEB. Avantajul instrumentului utilizat constă în posibilitatea utilizării celor mai recente modele de comportament dinamic a elementelor vitrate, care pot simula transferul de lumină și energie, dinspre exterior spre interior și invers, cu diferite structurări (diferite sticle: clasice, clare, inteligente, cu PV integrate, cu control solar...; număr de geamuri cuplate diferite, cu cavitate cu gaze diferite; tâmplărie din materiale și cu dimensiuni diferite; sisteme de umbrire asociate sau integrate), în condiții climatice standard sau în condiții climatice reale. S-a vizat și studiul impactului sistemelor vitrate asupra confortului energetic și vizual. S-a vizat și studiul impactului sistemelor vitrate asupra confortului energetic și vizual. S-a constatat: a) la sistemele vitrate clasice cu 2 și 3 sticle clare s-a constatat: o puternică dinamică a temperaturii pe suprafața internă a geamului, respectiv efectul radiației reci/calde din partea geamului; efectul de orbire în anumite momente din zi și an; efectul de seră în cavitatea dintre geamuri; b)pentru geamurile termopan un efect pozitiv pe perioada iernii și unul negativ pe perioada verii; c) Pentru geamuri speciale recente s-a constatat posibilitatea controlului luminii vizibile și a energiei transmise exterior-interior și invers.

Cuvinte cheie: elemente de anvelopă vitrate, performanță energetică, confort termic, calitatea mediului interior

The imposition of new requirements for future buildings (NZBEs and others) requires much more powerful and effective design tools than usual tools to predict their dynamic behavior in climatic conditions specific to amplitude in the context of neighborhoods and to provide a climate and a quality indoor environment appropriate to occupant requirements. The paper presents the results of a case study that aimed at optimal configuration of vitreous exterior construction elements in dynamic climatic conditions to achieve the NZEB building envelope. The advantage of the instrument used is the possibility of using the latest models of dynamic behavior of the glazed elements, which can simulate light and energy transfer from the outside to the inside and vice versa with different structures (different glasses: classical, clear, intelligent, integrated PV , solar control ...; number of different coupled windows, different gas cavities, associated or integrated shading systems) under standard climate or real climate conditions. The study also focused on the impact of glazed systems on energy and visual comfort. The classic glazed systems with 2 and 3 clear glasses found: a strong dynamics of the temperature on the internal surface of the glass, respectively the effect of cold / warm radiation from the window; the blindness effect at certain times of the day and year; the greenhouse effect in the window cavity; a positive effect during the winter and a negative one during the summer. For recent special glasses it was possible to control the visible light and the energy transmitted externally-inside and vice versa.

Keywords: vitreous tire elements, energy performance, thermal comfort, indoor environment quality

Sisteme de ventilație și climatizare - Grinzi de răcire vs. Ventiloconvectoare -
Ventilation and air conditioning systems - Cooling Beams vs. Ventilation Convectors -
MD stud. Raul GIRCSIS, MD stud. Ionuț Vasile NICORAȘ

Lucrarea prezintă un studiu comparativ între un sistem de ventilare și climatizare compus din grinzi de răcire și un sistem compus din ventiloconvectoare, privind avantajele și dezavantajele celor două soluții, precum și o valoare pentru „life cycle cost” pentru fiecare soluție în parte.

Cuvinte cheie: instalații HVAC, grinzi de răcire, ventiloconvectoare, life cycle cost.

The paper presents a comparative study between a ventilation and air conditioning system consisting of cooling beams and a system composed of fan coils, regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the two solutions, as well as the value for the "life cycle cost" for each solution.

Keywords: HVAC installations, cooling beams, fan coils, life cycle cost.

Modelare functionala si energetica a unui sistem compus din pompa de caldura, instalatie de incalzire centrala si cladire
Functional and energetic modeling of a system consisting of a heat pump, a central heating installation and a building
prof. dr .ing. Florin Iordache, drd. ing. Mugurel Talpiga

Lucrarea are ca obiectiv principal efectuarea unei analize energetice privind utilizarea unei pompe de caldura pentru incalzirea agentului termic vehiculat in cadrul instalatiei de incalzire centrala a unei cladiri. S-au considerat 2 tipuri de pompe de caldura cu compresie mecanica si anume una tip apa-apa si alta tip aer-apa. Instalatia de incalzire centrala s-a considerat de tip de joasa temperatura. In lucrare se prezinta pe scurt relatiile care au stat la baza realizarii analizei energetice pe perioada sezonului rece al anului. Rezultatele energetice si functionale sunt prezentate tabelar si grafic astfel incat sa rezulte destul de usor performantele pompei de caldura. In perioadele de solicitare climatica intense ale cladirii intra in functiune si o centrala termica pe combustibil gazos, acoperindu-se astfel varfurile de sarcina ale consumatorului.

Cuvinte cheie: surse regenerabile, pompe de caldura, casa cu economie de energie

This paper review the energetic analyze of two different heat pumps, used to prepare the primary thermal agent of a building heating system. Two types of heat pump with mechanical compression were simulated, the chosen types being water to water and air to water. The building heating system consist of a low temperature. In brief, the basic mathematical equations are presented, to be used in energetic analyze for cold season when heating is required for inside thermal comfort. The results, functional and energetic, are presented in tables also graphical, to be easy seen the heatpumps performances. For critical temperatures, also a classical heating system, to cover the entire heating demand in those periods.

Keywords: renewable sources, heat pumps, building with energy saving

Designing the “mind the gap” project – investigating the difference, in performance, between design and the building “in-use”
Dr. Andy Lewry, Ms. Lorna Hamilton, Mrs. Mindy Hadi, Mr. Jaie Bennett, Dr. Richard Peters

We have the ability to design good buildings and the knowledge to operate them in an effective and efficient manner – so why doesn’t it happen? The “Mind the Gap” project intends to collect evidence from exemplar office buildings with a range of performance; investigate the reasons for their performance; determine the underpinning causes; and then present practical solutions to solve any underperformance. The first phase will to produce a methodology based on the learnings from the trial buildings. This will be streamlined with the process then rolled out in a second phase over a larger number of buildings to produce a statistically significant sample which covers office buildings with a full range of servicing and age. This paper: - Introduces the performance gap. - Describes the “Mind the Gap” project and its methodology. - Presents some initial data and findings.

Keywords: Performance gap; Asset performance; Operational performance

The value of sustainability
Dr. Andy Lewry, Mr James Fisher, Mr Matt Holden

As the market place becomes increasingly competitive and there is a need to be able to differentiate oneself as a high performer. From Andrew Vaughan the CEO of Redevco ‘Greening our portfolio over the next two years is not only environmentally the right thing to do, it also makes sound business sense.’ One of the barriers to this is the result of split responsibilities within the real estate sector. Buildings built and/or managed to sustainability standards, such as BREEAM have been shown to minimise risk and generate maximum profit via: • High and continuous rental income; • Low operating & maintenance cost; • Low depreciation. Through certification and verification all parties can be confident in: • The performance of assets and portfolios; • It allows comparability across building types and countries; • The analysis is based on sound science and standards; • Allows you to be one step ahead of legislation and industry best practices. The UK RICS Valuation Sustainability Working Group do not think we are paying a premier for green buildings but having to give a discount because the building is not performing well. This paper presents the business case and value gained by being sustainable and how certification gives credibility to process and performance of portfolios and buildings.

Keywords: Sustainability; value case; Asset management; Asset performance; Operational performance

Influenţa confortului termic şi a calitaţii aerului asupra randamentului sportivilor în spaţii închise
Influence of thermal comfort and air quality on performance of athletes in enclosed spaces
Ş. l. dr. ing. Marius ADAM, Conf. univ.dr. ing. Olga BANCEA, Conf. univ.dr. ing. Adriana TOKAR, Ş. l. dr. ing. Cristian PĂCURAR

Lucrarea prezintă un studiu de caz în care s-au măsurat parametrii aerului interior într-o sală de sport şi s-a determinat influenţa acestora asupra performanţelor sportive ale participanţiilor.

Cuvinte cheie: confort termic, calitatea aerului, randament sportivi, săli de sport.

The paper presents a case study in which the parameters of the indoor air were measured in a sports hall and was determined their influence on the sport performances of the participants.

Keywords: thermal comfort, air quality, sports performance, sports halls

Domestic hot water - cost effective legionella treatment. Perfect comfort and hygiene
Drd. Ing. Szilveszter GEYER EHRENBERG, Prof. Dr. Ing. Adrian RETEZAN

Folosim Apa Caldă Menajeră în mod constant, zilnic, pentru a asigura nivelul general de igienă. Cu toate acestea, doar rareori ne preocupă cât de igienică este Apa Caldă Menajeră, și dacă ne ajută realmente. În timp ce căutăm soluții de economisire, asigurarea unui confort ambiental, se mai întâmplă să ignorăm aspectele de sănătate generală. Igienizarea ACM este un subiect de actualitate având în vedere tendințele de utilizare a soluțiilor de încălzire cu temperaturi reduse. Lucrarea abordează calitatea ACM prin două metodologii, dezinfecția termică și dezinfecția chimică precum și costurile aferente.

Cuvinte cheie: Economisirea de energie, Comfort, Apă caldă menajeră, Igienă, Legionella.

We use Domestic Hot Water on daily base, for personal and general hygiene. However, we rarely consider if the DHW is clean enough and if it serves us in a positive way. Looking forward for energy savings, sometimes we may overlook health aspects while we are focusing on low running costs and comfort level. Treating DHW is more and more actual subject, as we apply for low temperature heat sources. The paper is looking to make a comparison between heat- and chemical treatment of DHW and cost related issues.

Keywords: Energy Savings, Comfort, Domestic Hot Water, Hygiene, Legionella.

Sistem de climatizare utilizand energia solara. Analiza energetica
Air conditioning using solar energy. Energy analysis
Prof. dr. ing. Florin Iordache

Lucrarea are ca obiectiv analiza energetica a unui sistem neconventional de utilizare a unei surse regenerabile (energia solara) in scopul climatizarii spatiilor unei cladiri in perioada sezonului cald al anului. Sistemul sursa considerat are o component neconventionala, reprezentata de instalatia de captare a energie solare si o componenta clasica reprezentata de o centrala termica, ambele preparand un agent termic furnizat unei masini frigorifice de preparare a apei reci. In lucrare se descrie pe scurt procedura de evaluare a puterilor termice furnizate de sistemul neconventional si de sistemul clasic unei cladiri pentru care se stabileste necesarul de frig. Pe studiul de caz concret considerat se prezinta tabelar si grafic atat performantele energetice ale sistemului cat si gradul de acoperire energetica oferit consumatorului deservit

Cuvinte cheie: energie solara, chiller cu absorbtie, climatizarea cladirilor

The paper aims at the energy analysis of an unconventional system of using a renewable source (solar energy) in order to air conditioning of a building during the warm season of the year. The considered source system has an unconventional component, represented by the solar energy system and a classic component represented by a thermal plant, both preparing a thermal agent supplied to a chiller with absorbtion. The paper briefly describes the procedure for assessing the thermal powers provided by the unconventional system and the classical system to a building for which the demands cold is established. On the concrete case study, the table shows both the energy performance of the system and the degree of energy coverage offered to the serviced customer

Keywords: solar energy, absorbtion chiller, building, air conditioning of the building

Performanța energetică a unei pompe de căldură aer-apă alimentată de la un sistem de panouri fotovoltaice de tip off-grid
The energy performance of an air-to-water heat pump powered by an offgrid photovoltaic panel system
Ș.l.dr.ing. Călin SEBARCHIEVICI, Prof.dr.ing.eur.ing. Ioan SÂRBU

Energia consumată pentru prepararea apei de consum are o importanţă deosebită atunci când se doreşte evaluarea consumurilor energetice din clădiri. Lucrarea prezintă rezultatele cercetărilor experimentale în scopul determinării performanţelor pentru o pompă de căldură aer-apă, alimentată cu energia electrică produsă de panourile solare fotovoltaice în diferite scenarii de preparare a apei calde de consum. Utilizarea panourilor fotovoltaice conduce la o reducere considerabilă a consumurilor energetice în clădirile de locuit o importantă sursă de energie regenerabilă şi anume soarele. Luând în considerare diferitele temperaturi de preparare a apei calde de consum pompa de căldură va avea diferite performațe energetice reliefate prin măsurători experimentale. Utilizând panourile fotovoltaice la alimentarea cu energie electrică a pompei de căldură, se poate afirma că aceste siteme solare de producere a energiei electrice au un aport important în reducerea consumurilor energetice ale clădirilor şi în asigurarea unui confort ridicat.

Cuvinte cheie: panouri fotovoltaice , energie

Energy consumption for domestic hot-water production is particularly important when is wanted to assess the energy consumption in buildings. The paper presents the results of the experimental researches in order to determine the performance of an air-water heat pump, feeded by the electric energy produced by the photovoltaic solar panels in various scenarios for the preparation of hot water. Using photovoltaic panels leads to a significant reduction in energy consumption in residential buildings, an important source of renewable energy, namely the sun. Taking into account the different hot water cooking temperatures, the heat pump will have different energy performances highlighted by the exeperimental measurements. Using photovoltaic panels to heat pump power, it can be said that these solar power plants have an important contribution to reducing the energy consumption of buildings and ensuring high comfort.

Keywords: photovoltaic panels, energy

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