Practica modelării variabilității spațiale in ingineria geotehnică The practice of spatial variability modeling in geotechnical engineering Chabani Abdelmadjid, Abdelkrimi Abderrahmane, Djermane Adelkader, Chabani Omar
From a set of georeferenced data (measurements and locations at which these measurements are taken), not necessarily distributed regularly, we want to find a rule to estimate the values taken by the observed parameter at other points of space different from those at which the measurements are taken. We then speak of spatial interpolation.
Spatial interpolation, that is a process of using a set of point data to create surface data, can either be a deterministic or a stochastic (also known as geostatistical) interpolation techniques.
In the present study, two interpolation methods such as inverse distance weighting (IDW) and ordinary kriging (OK) are used to generate spatial distribution of geotechnical parameters.
Sisteme de incălzire urbană care utilizează surse geotermale, o contribuție la o Europă neutră in materie de carbon District heating systems using geothermal sources, a contribution towards a carbon- neutral Europe MSc Manuel Valer HERLO
La nivelul Uniunii Europene, a existat și există o preocupare continuă cu privire la reducerea emisiilor de gaze cu efect de seră, in special prin reducerea consumului de energie și asigurarea energiei din surse regenerabile. Europa și propune să devină primul continent neutru de carbon pană in 2050. Sursele de energie regenerabile din intreaga Uniune Europeană sunt diverse, potențialul fiind diferit de la o țară la alta. Energia din surse geotermice este considerată in continuare o tehnologie mai puțin dezvoltată la nivelul Uniunii Europene. Cu toate acestea, există multiple posibilități de utilizare și exemple concrete de succes, in special in ceea ce privește furnizarea de energie termică din surse geotermale, in sistemele centralizate. Este de așteptat ca, in viitor, această sursă de energie să devină una dintre cele mai importante pentru a atinge obiectivele comunității europene.
At the European Union level, there has been and is a continuing concern regarding the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, in particular by reducing energy consumption and ensuring energy from renewable sources. Europe aims to become the first carbon-neutral continent by 2050. Renewable energy sources across the European Union are diverse, the potential being different from one country to another. Energy from geothermal sources is still considered to be a less developed technology at the European Union level. However, there are multiple possibilities of use, and concrete examples of success, especially regarding the supply of thermal energy from geothermal sources, in centralized systems. It is expected that in the future, this energy source will become one of the most important in order to reach the objectives of the European community.
Panourile fotovoltaice integrate in clădiri Building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) Stud. Alexandra-Maria RUSEN, PhD Stud. Eng. Danut TOKAR
Această lucrare prezintă panourile fotovoltaice integrate (BIPV) in clădiri. Acestea au ca scop primar generarea energiei electrice utilizată ca resursă energetică pentru clădire sau distribuirea energiei in rețeaua națională. Aceste sistemele pot oferi economii in costuri de materiale și energie electrică, pot reduce poluarea și se pot adăuga la aspectul arhitectural al clădirii. Deși, acestea pot fi adăugate la o structură ca elemente funcționale, cea mai mare provocare pentru aceste sistemele este includerea lor in designul inițial al clădirii.
This paper presents the integrated photovoltaic panels (BIPV) in buildings. They have as their primary purpose the generation of electricity used as an energy resource for buildings or the distribution of energy in the national grid. These systems can provide cost savings on materials and electricity, reduce pollution and add to the architectural aspect of the building. Although these can be added to a structure as functional elements, the biggest challenge for these systems is their inclusion in the initial design of the building.
Analiza energetica privind intretinerea termica a solului sub pista unui patinoar Energy analysis regarding the thermal maintenance of the soil under the track of an ice rink Gianny Flamaropol, Florin Iordache
Lucrarea are ca obiectiv stabilirea implicatiilor energetice ale solutiilor constructive de intretinere a solului sub pista unui patinoar competitional sau de agrement. Dupa cum este cunoscut, sub placa de structura de rezistenta a pistei pe care se formeaza stratul de gheata, care este si element de racire si mentinere a stratului de gheata, se monteaza un strat de izolatie termica sub care se afla serpentina incalzitoare avand menirea de a mentine in solul aflat sub ea o temperatura normala existenta de regula in sol. In lucrare se identifica teoretic majorarea de flux termic catre serpentina de racire din placa de structura si majorarea de energie electrica absorbita de catre masina frigorifica care ii revine acesteia, functie de grosimea stratului de izolatie termica si de densitatea tevilor din serpentina incalzitoare.
Cuvinte cheie: patinoar, implicatii energetice
The work has as objective to establish the energy connotations of the constructive solutions to maintain the soil below the track of a competitive or recreational ice rink. As it is known, underneath the resistance structural plate of the runway on which the ice layer is formed, which is also a cooling element to keep the ice layer at its requested parameters, it is mounted a thermal insulation layer under which there is laying a heating coil with the purpose to maintain in the soil beneath it a normal temperature already existing in soil. The work identifies theoretically the increase of thermal flux towards the cooling coil from the structural plate and the increase of electrical energy absorbed by the refrigerating machine that belongs to it, depending on the thickness of the thermal insulation layer and of the density of the heating coil pipes.
Keywords: skating rink, energy implications
Analiza mărimilor electrice pentru sisteme de alimentare cu energie electrică. Studiu de caz Analysis of electrical quantities for electricity supply systems. Case study Mrd. Eng. Octavian VIDAC, Ph.D. Stud. Eng. Danut TOKAR
Prezența armonicilor in instalațiile electrice și in sistemele electrice de alimentare se datorează curenților. Este foarte importantă măsurarea tensiunilor armonice şi ale curenţilor, iar valorile determinate trebuie specificate explicit ca valori ale tensiunii şi curentului. In prezent, tipurile de echipamente care produc armonici a crescut, astfel că trebuie acordată o atentă considerare armonicilor și efectelor pe care le generează. Din acest motiv, articolul prezintă o analiză a mărimilor electrice aferente sistemului de alimentare pentru boxele sterile din incinta Spitalului Clinic de Urgență pentru Copii, Louis Țurcanu din Timișoara. Marimile masurate direct de aparatul de inregistrare sunt curentii si tensiunile, in valori instantanee, pe cele trei faze ale intrarii in tabloul de alimentare. Mărimile monitorizate au fost transferate unitatii de procesare - evaluare - inregistrare care a furnizat informații pentru evaluarea factorului de distorsiune THD.
The presence of harmonics in the electrical installations and in the electrical systems of power supply is due to the currents. Measuring the values of harmonic voltages and currents is very important, and the determined values must be explicitly specified as values of voltage and current. At present, the types of equipment that produce harmonics have increased so that careful consideration of the harmonics and their effects must be given. For this reason, the article presents an analysis of the electrical quantities related to the supply system for sterile speakers inside the Emergency Clinical Hospital for Children "Louis Țurcanu" in Timisoara. The measurements directly measured by the recording equipment are the currents and voltages, in instantaneous values, on the three phases of the input in the supply panel. The monitored sizes were transferred to the processing - evaluation - recording unit which provided information for evaluating the THD distortion factor
Energia - Eterna Poveste Energy - Endless Story Prof. Em. Adrian Retezan, Drd. Ing. Nicoleta-Elena Kaba Dr. Ing. Ioan Silviu Doboși, Dr. Ing. Remus Retezan
Lucrarea iși propune să atenționeze cu privire la viitorul energetic și nu numai pentru omenire, ci și pentru Europa și in special pentru Romania. Se prezintă cateva date statistice relevante, iar pentru Romania se fac cateva recomandări
The paper focuses on the future of energy not only for humanity as a whole, but for Europe and for Romania in particular. Some relevant statistical data are presented and for Romania some recommendations are made.
Evaluarea și maparea consecințelor alunecărilor de teren folosind analiza corespondenței multiple (MCA). Aplicație in nordul Algeriei. Spatial Landslide consequence assessment and mapping using multiple correspondence analysis (MCA). Application in North Algeria. Amel Kab, Lynda Djerbal, Ramdane Bahar
North Algeria is very subject landslide Geo-phenomena, which causes each year very serious infrastructure damages and human lives. In order to estimate these damages and assess the effects of landslides on current development plans or future development programs, the analysis of the consequences seems like a very important criterion. Numerous approaches developed over the last decade, which have encountered difficulties in application, due to the lack of data on historical damage. This article presents a quantitative study of the potential consequences, based on GIS mapping in the Tizi ouzou area. The proposed methodology comports two principal stages ; the first identifies in a statistical way (Multiple correspondence analysis MCA) the correlations between the categories of exposed elements (land use, infrastructure, human) and the second phase consists in evaluating and mapping the damage potential of these elements using the technology of geographical information
Soluții alternative pentru climatizarea unei clădiri de cult Alternative solutions for air conditioning of a cult building Prof. Dr. Ing. Theodor MATEESCU, Dr. Ing. Andreea Irina BARAN, Ing. Florin Ioan BARAN
Modernizarea și eficientizarea energetică a clădirilor de cult impune adoptarea soluțiilor de particularități constructiv-funcționale ale acestora precum și la necesitatea conservării valorilor de artă adăpostite. In cadrul referatului se prezintă soluțiile propuse pentru ventilarea/climatizarea Domului Romano-Catolic Sfantul Gheorghe din Timișoara, in condiții date de incălzire prin radiații de joasă temperatură din pardoseală.
The modernization and energy efficiency of the cult buildings requires the adoption of solutions of their constructive-functional particularities as well as the necessity of preserving the sheltered art values. The report presents the proposed solutions for the ventilation/air conditioning of the Roman Catholic Church "Sfantul Gheorghe" from Timișoara, under given conditions of heating through low temperature radiation from the floor
De la piramide la clădiri inteligente și orașe din a doua parte a acestui secol From pyramids to smart buildings and cities of the second part of this century Prof.PhD.Eng. DHC Branislav B. TODOROVIĆ
Lucrarea prezintă istoria dezvoltării construcțiilor de clădiri, posibilitățile noilor tehnologii care duc sectorul construcțiilor la multe provocări și soluții noi ale sistemelor de energie in clădiri, dar, desigur, cu utilizarea completă și exclusivă a surselor regenerabile de energie. in lucrare sunt prezentate eforturile de la construirea piramidelor, colibelor, pană la prezentarea clădirilor inteligente. Articolul comentează ce se așteaptă in viitor in decursul acestui secol. Se prezintă o imagine de ansamblu a diferitelor informații despre opiniile oficiale și neoficiale ale diferiților autori, proiectanți de construcții, statistici UE și, de asemenea, ingineri IT și planurile acestora cu privire la dezvoltarea orașelor și clădirilor inteligente și direcția unde poate merge lumea in viitor. Clădirile in care locuiesc și lucrează oamenii au fost intotdeauna inteligente pentru perioada in care au fost gandite și construite. Au trecut secole, cunoașterea și experiența oamenilor au fost dezvoltate pană la nivelul actual al științei și tehnologiilor și vor continua să se dezvolte impreună cu multe amenințări asociate dezvoltării. Clădirile inteligente de astăzi sunt rezultatul unor niveluri ridicate de cunoștințe, experiență, utilizare a cunoștințelor sau tehnicilor și a științei și tehnologiei.
The paper presents the history of building construction development, possibilities of new technologies leading the construction sector to many challenges, and new solutions of energy systems in buildings, but of course with the complete and exclusive use of renewable energy sources. In the paper are presented efforts from building the pyramids, huts, till present smart buildings. And comment what is expected in the future during this century. This article presents overview of various information of many official and unofficial thoughts of different authors, building planners, UN statistics and also IT engineers and their plans regarding the development of smart cities and buildings and direction where may the world go in coming future. The buildings in which people live and work were always smart, for the time when they had been constructed and built. Centuries have passed, knowledge and experience of people have been developed to the present level of science and technologies, and they will continue to develop along with many threats that are associated with the development. Today's smart buildings are the result of achieved high levels of knowledge, experience, and use of the state-or-the-art and science and technology.
Propunere de procedura de dimensionare a instalatiilor solare termice pentru utilitatile specifice cladirilor Proposed sizing procedure of solar thermal installations for utilities specific to buildings Florin Iordache
Lucrarea are un obiectiv concret, exprimat direct in titlul si anume propunerea unei proceduri etapizate de dimensionare a sistemelor neconventionale de utilizare a energiei solare pentru incalzirea spatiilor si prepararea apei calde de consum. Dimensionarea acestora presupune determinarea marimii celor doua componente de baza, suprafata de captare si respectiv volumul de acumulare. Procedura de dimensionare este structural la fel, atat in cazul utilitatii de incalzire a spatiilor cat si in cazul utilitatii de preparare a apei calde de consum, insa sunt si o serie de particularitati specifice acestora. La baza metodei de dimensionare sta bilantul energetic zilnic in regim stationar pentru intreg sistemul continand sectiunea de captare si sectiunea de consum.
Cuvinte cheie: instalatie solara termica, dotare cladiri
The paper has a concrete objective, expressed directly in the title, namely the proposal of a step-by-step procedure for sizing unconventional solar energy use systems for space heating and hot water consumption. Sizing involves determining the size of the two basic components, the catching surface and the accumulation volume respectively. The sizing procedure is structural, both for the utility of space heating and for the utility of preparing hot water for consumption, but there are also a number of specific features. At the base of the sizing method is the daily energy balance in stationary regime for the whole system, containing the capture section and the consumption section.
Keywords: solar thermal installation, endowment of buildings
Modelarea influentei tipului de contact pe raspunsul interfetei Sol-Gramada Modeling the Influence of Contact Type on the Response of the Soil-Pile interface Kadri Fatima, Berga Abdelmadjid, Terfaya Nazihe
This work presents a comparison between Coulomb's frictional contact based on the penalty method and cohesive contact for the study of the pile-soil interface response, through a global finite element modeling, in order to understand the influence of interaction type on the structural elements-soil interfaces in general. A three-dimensional pile-soil interaction model, implemented in Abaqus software, processed by a two-dimensional axisymmetric analysis, presents the case of a vertical pile installed in sand and subjected to pull-out load. A very forward behavior law is used to represent the sand while the pile is treated as a rigid elastic body. Very interesting results depend largely on the contact type description of the Pile-soil interface area. Finally, it has been shown that cohesive contact taking into account adhesion phenomenon can produce more reasonable results than frictional contact by the penalty method.
Keywords: Deep foundation, pile-soil interface, soil behavior laws, contact and friction, finite elements method
Școala după Corona School after Corona Cristina-Vasilica Icociu, Mihnea Costoiu, Tiberiu Gabriel Dobrescu, Cătălin-Ionuț Silvestru, Nicolae Postăvaru
It is clear that we were not prepared for this pandemic situation at any of the educational levels. The problem is what happens next. What we will learn, change, understand, keep for such a situation to never repeat? A new approach is necessary, and in the higher education sector, there will be, we think, major thinking, approach and conception changes. In a way, we reached closer and faster the digital period than we expected and some generations wished. Some are already at the digital period core, at this fact should reflect inigher education. Simultaneously, we are in the full study programs conception change, from the importance raise of key, transversal, at work and general competences, to standardisation, recognition and graduate mobility. In the last years, we published a number of articles and books on these topics, and they should be regarded as a whole, together, integrated. They have been and are a signal the something must be done, representing a step ahead. Depending on how we start at this starting point, after the crisis, we have the chance to lose or to win on medium or long term, this is why we address proposals that can help the technical higher education to be continuously up-to-date and requested. We are like F1 races when all the racers slow down at an accident, go slowly for a while and start over, after break, and the last come next to the first. It all depends on them if they want to reaffirm themselves or to stay at tail. In some cases, however, some are not capable of more.to near the winners you need the same standards,
Keywords: pandemic; standardisation; pyramid of competences; learning outcomes; study programs; engineering higher education system; engineering reorganisation; connection with labour market; ISCED; continuous training