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  Number 2/2016

Volume 7 (2016), Nr. 2 - View full issue

Differences between the five climatic zones of Romania regarding the design and energy requirements of an energy efficient house
Silviana Brata, Victoria Cotorobai, Cristina Tanasa, Daniel Dan, Dan Stoian, Valeriu Stoian

In Romania, the energy performance design of buildings and related facilities is made on the hypothesis of standardized conventional climate data determined based on statistical average values. The Romanian territory is divided in five different climate zones that have different exterior climate parameters. This paper evaluates to what extent the energy demand vary in case of a residential building already built in the climatic zone II if it transposed to each of the other four climatic zones of Romania. Thus, the study starts from a baseline case of an energy-efficient building, designed and built in compliance with the principles of the passive house standard, in Timis County. Also, another purpose of this study is to establish U-values for the envelope elements, necessary to achieve the passive house standard for each of the five climate zones, in the conditions of the architecture and building services chosen for the already built house in the climate zone II. The energy performance calculations indicate different energy requirements for each of the five climatic zones, except the results for the climatic zone III and IV which are very similar. This paper emphasizes de particularity of the energy efficient design related to the climatic zone and the need of a careful planning in order to obtain the desired energy efficiency at a cost optimal level.

Comparison on the behavior of confined masonry structures made with ceramic vertical hollow blocks in correlation with CR6-2013 and P2-85 design codes requirements
Daniel Stoica, Mihai Niste

Considering the provisions of the new design codes P100/1-2013 and CR6- 2013 in this paper a comparison between structural responses for a building with structural masonry walls made of vertical hollow ceramic blocks calculated according to CR6-13 and P2-85 design codes requirements.

Conceptul structural al cladirii Bucharest One
The structural concept of the Bucharest One building
Dragos Cotofana, Serban Dima, Mihai Dragomir, Viorel Popa, Stelian Constantinescu

Dezvoltarea imobiliara a Bucurestiului urmeaza tendinta dezvoltarii accelerate a fondului imobiliar pe verticala de pe plan mondial. Betonul armat realizat cu betoane avand clase de rezistența superioare se impune ca o solutie optima din punct de vedere tehnico-economic pentru realizarea structurilor inalte. Bucharest One este o cladire inalta de birouri, avand inaltimea supraterana de 120 m, realizata in zona de nord a Bucurestiului. Cladirea are in componența trei subsoluri, parter, mezanin, 23 etaje si etaj tehnic. Inaltimea mare a constructiei, hazardul seismic relativ ridicat din amplasament si proximitatea tunelurilor de metrou au impus, pentru proiectarea cladirii Bucharest One, utilizarea unor sisteme structurale judicios configurate, a unor metode de proiectare complexe si a unor solutii tehnologice performante. In aceasta lucrare se prezinta pe scurt principalele aspecte privind conceptul structural al cladirii Bucharest One si unele particularitati de execuție si proiectare.

The real estate development of Bucharest follows the trend of vertical expansion of buildings. High strength reinforced concrete is the best choice from the technical and economical point of view in the case of high rise buildings. Bucharest One is an office building located in the north part of Bucharest, with a height of 120m. The structure has three basement levels, ground floor, mezzanine, 23 floors and one technical floor. The large height of the building, the seismic hazard of the location and the proximity of the subway tunnels lead to the use of well-balanced structural systems, complex design techniques and cutting edge technological solutions. The article presents the main aspects of the structural concept of the Bucharest One building, with emphasis on the design and execution particularities.

Managementul deseurilor din constructii si demolari
Construction and demolition waste management
Cristina Iacoboaea, Mihaela Aldea

Romania si in mod special orasele mari se confrunta cu o dezvoltare urbana importanta si de multe ori haotica, cu asfaltari si reasfaltari, constructii/renovari rezidentiale, rezultand cantitati importante de deseuri din constructii si demolari. Negestionarea corespunzatoare a deseurilor din constructii si demolari conduce la aparitia unor probleme de mediu, sociale, juridice etc. Legislatia romanesca stabileste, pentru producatorii de deseuri si autoritatile administratiei publice locale, obligatia de a atinge, pana in anul 2020, un nivel de pregatire pentru reutilizare, reciclare si alte operatiuni de valorificare materiala, de minimum 70% din masa cantitatilor de deseuri nepericuloase provenite din activitati de constructie si demolari. Articolul analizeaza evolutia cantitatii de deseuri din constructii si demolari din Romania, gradul de reciclare a acestor deseuri raportat la situatia din Uniunea Europeana si modalitati de finantare prin intermediul fondurilor europene a unor proiecte care sa contribuie la atingerea tintei de valorificare.

Romania and especially the big cities are confronted with an important and often chaotic urban development, with asphalt works for road surfacing and re-surfacing, with residential constructions/rehabilitations, resulting in important quantities of construction and demolition debris. The lack of appropriate handling of construction and demolition debris contributes to the emergence of environmental, social, legal etc issues. Romanian regulations stipulate the obligation for waste generators and local public administrations to attain a level of preparedness for reuse, recycle and other operations of material valorisation of 70% from the mass quantity of non-hazardous construction and demolition debris. The paper analyses the quantitative evolution of the construction and demolition debris in Romania, the rate of recycling of these wastes reported to the situation in the European Union and the modalities of financing certain projects through the European Funds, projects which serve to the attainment of the valorisation targets.

Case study in product quality and environmental planning to achieve comfort within indoor working spaces
Mihai Dragomir, Bela Zalany, Diana Dragomir, Florin Popescu, Sergiu Solcan

The present work presents a demonstrative application for defining the needed measures to implement quality and environmental planning provisions at product level within a furniture start-up company that seeks to transfer newly developed products into production. The conceptual models of D. A. Garvin and N. Kano are used as basis for this endeavor and the resulting proposals can constitute the basis for concrete approaches such as ISO 9001 systems, Lean Six Sigma, Kaizen events or other. For the product related environmental aspects, the Bill of materials generated by the CAD software CATIA is used as the starting point for analysis. A modality of structured deployment of measures is presented, a “red thread” that runs from identifying and understanding the customer requirements, to design and development, to production and delivery and, ultimately, returns to the customers in order to assess their overall satisfaction along the product lifecycle. The authors consider that such an approach has the advantage of being, at the same time, scientifically sounds, technically useful and practically implementable, offering a tool which is easy to use in a company that combines R&D with market orientation against the usual background and challenges of launching a new business.

The modelling and the automation of an independent wound DC motor
Robert Pecsi, Eleonora Darie

In this paper the authors analyse a dynamic system, namely the independent wound DC motor and a new automation mode for this. Starting from the voltage balance equation and the torque balance equation, a Matlab/Simulink model is built for the motor and the motor’s answer to unit level signal and a ramp signal is analysed. For the automation of the system a PID regulator is used. By the fine tuning of the regulator’s parameters, an optimal variation is obtained, which satisfies all the performances.

Thermal comfort evaluation inside vehicles with classical indices - experimental approach
Pierre-Yves Ouhimi, Thomas Lechartier, Paul Danca, Cristina Fabian

Modalitatile actuale de evaluare ale confortului termic in autovehicule nu sunt optimizate in acord cu cele doua directii importante si interdependente, confortul termic si consumul de energie. Mai mult decat atat principiile de determinare sunt bazate pe metode de evaluare confortului termic in interiorul cladirilor. Obiectivul prezentului studiu este de a investiga confortul termic din interiorul automobilului. Cu ajutorul instrumentelor de masura, am urmarit variatia parametrilor interiori (temperatura si viteza aerului, temperatura medie de radiatie, umiditatea relativa) si al celor exteriori (temperatura si umiditatea, radiatia solara). Estimand rata metabolica si izolarea termica produsa de imbracamintea pasagerilor si cunoscand valorile parametrilor interiori, am calculat indicele PMV, urmarind posibilitatea utilizarii acestuia in autovehicul.

The current methods for thermal comfort evaluation inside the vehicles are not optimized in agreement with the two important and interacting directions, thermal comfort and energy consumption. More than that, the determination principles are based on the evaluation methods of thermal comfort inside the buildings. The primary subject of this study is to investigate the thermal comfort inside the vehicles. By means of the measuring tools, we followed the interior parameters variation (air temperature and speed, mean radiation temperature, relative humidity) and the exterior ones (humidity and exterior temperature, solar radiation). Estimating the metabolic rate and the thermal isolation produced by the passengers clothing and knowing the interior parameters value, we have calculated the PMV parameter, analyzing the possibility of applying it inside vehicles.

The negative influence of the hydraulic imbalance to the system performance in solar panels
Florin Iordache, Horatiu Dragne

This article presents how greater impact has the flow rate determining the system performance in the thermal solar panels. Starting from the general correlation between flow rate of thermal agent and the solar energy received by a flat plate collector the analysis is extended to an entire field of collectors where the flow rate is more or less uniform. The bad performance determined by the hydraulic unbalance is being presented in relation to the general performance of the field. The drop in the performance of the system is that point where for less energy used a smaller amount of energy is produced. In this article, it is justified the medium range of values for the flow rate that must be adopted in order to obtain a stable and balanced functionality of the entire system and best performance for the system. According to that, if a flat plate collector needs a minimum flow rate of 15 l/m2.h to work properly, for an entire field of collectors we need at least 60 l/m2.h to get good performance. The purpose of this paper work is to show the negative consequences that affect the energy performance of solar panels, like the hydraulic unbalance inside the network that unites the solar panels. The research has the 2 main objectives: 1. Determining the correlation between the dispersion of flow rate and the reduce of the system performance; 2. Determining the influence of initial designed flow rate to the correlation from point 1. This aspect that we discuss in a solar panel network also appears in classic heating networks. In the case of the solar panel field, lowering the performance means lowering the power received from the sun, but in the classic heating networks lowering the performance means lowering the power supplied to heated spaces. In other words, in the case of the solar panel field the heat does not get high enough and in the case of the heating network it does not get as low as it could get. The lowered performance in solar panels field can be evaluated by reporting the new performance obtained to the maximum performance that can be obtain.

Dezvoltarea urbana si regionala integrata pentru imbunatatirea managementului riscului la inundatii
Integrated urban and regional development for the improvement of flood risk management
Iuliana Nichersu

Lucrarea de fata aduce contributii in analiza managementul riscului la inundații si dezvoltarea urbana si regionala. Scopul acesteia este acela de a prezenta puntea de legatura dintre cele doua discipline prin utilizarea fondurilor Europene, intrun mod integrat in vederea imbunatatirii procesului de elaborare a politicilor aferente. Asadar, pentru reducerea riscului la inundatii se impune integrarea celor doua discipline, atat la nivelul datelor, cat si la nivel metodologic, datorita caracterul interdisciplinar complex si dinamic al celor doua domenii si al relatiilor dintre acestea dar si cu exteriorul, in contextul majorelor schimbari globale. Abordarea acestei interactiuni prin fonduri Europene pastrează activitatile si eforturile concentrate spre obiectivul propus, acela de a imbunatati procesul de elaborare a politicilor de management al riscului la inundatii si dezvoltare urbana si regionala, într-un mod integrat si unitar.

This paper makes contributions in the analysis of flood risk management and urban and regional development. Its purpose is to provide the bridge between the two disciplines through the use of European funds in an integrated manner to improve the process of policy framework. Therefore, to reduce the flood risk is appropriate to incorporate the two disciplines, both in the data and the methodological level because of the interdisciplinary caracter complex and dynamic of the two fields and relations between them and the outside, in the context majorelor global changes. Addressing this interaction by European funds keep activities and concentrated efforts toward the target, to improve the process of policy making flood risk management and urban and regional development in an integrated and unified.

Cercetari experimentale privind analiza raspunsului la actiunea focului a sistemelor de reabilitare termica, cu termoizolatie din polistiren
Experimental research on fire behavior analysis for polystyrene insulation thermal rehabilitations systems
Octavian Lalu, Ion Anghel, Silviu Codescu, Bogdan Brănișteanu

Reglementarile tehnice in domeniul securitatii la incendiu precum si tendinta continua de eficientizare a consumului energetic si de minimizare a pierderilor de caldura fac obiectul comparatiei diferitelor solutii constructive ale termoizolatiilor utilizate in constructii. Atunci cand sistemul termoizolant este implicat intr-un incendiu de fatada apare riscul propagarii incendiului la etajele invecinate. Modalitatea punerii in opera si discontinuitatile placarilor exterioare reprezinta parametri care influenteaza semnificativ propagarea incendiilor pe verticala. Articolul prezinta cercetari experimentale efectuate de autori, cu privire la comportamentul termoizolatiei din polistiren supusa actiunii focului, in scopul intarzierii propagarii verticale a flacarilor.

The technical regulations regarding fire safety and the ongoing trend of energy efficiency and minimizing heat losses, all will lead to a comparison of different constructive solutions for the thermal insulation used in construction. When the thermal insulation system is involved in a façade fire, the risk of fire spread to adjoining floors will occur. The way the insulation work is done and the external claddings discontinuities are parameters that significantly influence the spread of fire on the vertical façade of the building. The article presents an experimental research done by the authors, to study the behavior of burning polystyrene insulation and its influence on the spread of fire (with the intention to delay the spread).

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