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  Numarul 2/2010

Volumul 1 (2010), Nr. 2 - Vizualizare numar complet

Modelul fizic global de ardere a masivului si a stratului de combustibil, la arderea cu gazeificare
Physical model for the combustible element and for the combustible layer ignition and burning process, in burning with gasification systems
Nicolae Antonescu, Niculae Antonescu, Dan-Paul Stanescu

Arderea inversa, denumita si ardere cu gazeificare, este tot mai des folosita la cazanele mici cu combustibil solid lemn. In lucrare se propun modele fizice originale atat pentru fenomenul de aprindere cat si pentru ardere, care sa explice parametrii functionali constatati in experimentari de laborator si masurari pe instalatii in-situ.Rezultatele modelarii sunt concordante cu experienta practica si isi gasesc aplicabilitatea in proiectarea, automatizarea si exploatarea cazanelor de acest fel.

Reverse solid fuel combustion, also called burning with gasification, has been increasingly used in small boilers with solid fuel wood. The paper proposes some original physical models for the phenomenon of ignition and combustion, explaining the functional parameters observed in laboratory experiments and determined by in-situ measurement. The modeling results are consistent with practical experience and find applicability in the design, automation and operation of such boilers.

Tehnici de intensificare a transferului de caldura la vaporizarea globulara
Techniques to enhance heat transfer in globular vaporization
Emilian Stefan Valea, Ioan Sarbu

In aceasta lucrare se prezinta importanta si particularitatile vaporizarii si intensificarii transferului de caldura, metodele si tehnicile generale pentru intensificarea transferului de caldura si cele specifice pentru vaporizare. Lucrarea descrie particularitatile metodelor intensificarii fierberii folosind suprafete pregatite special pentru aceasta. Se prezinta contributiile personale si incercarile efectuate in laborator pentru studiul fierberii nucleice verificand performantele termice ale acestor suprafete. Aparatura experimentala folosita la verificari este descrisa pe scurt. Cu aceasta aparatura s-au verificat trei grupe de suprafete intensificate: prelucrate mecanic, acoperite cu mansoane executate din tesatura de sarma de diferite materiale si acoperite cu straturi metalice poroase. Rezultatul testelor si performantele termice obtinute sunt redate in lucrare.

In this paper are presented the importance and the particularity of vapo-risation, of enhanced heat transfer, general methods and techniqus used for enhanced heat transfer and specific for vaporisation. The paper describes the particularity of the methods for boiling enhanced heat transfer using enhanced surfaces. It presents personal contributions and the tests performed out in laboratory for studying the nucleate pool boiling testing the surface thermal performances. The experimental apparatus used for tests is briefly described. With this experimental apparatus were tested three groups of enhances sur-faces: mechanical processed, covered with mesh sleeves made of different metals and covered with metallic porous layers. The results of the tests and the thermal perfor-mances obtained are shown.

Tratarea namolului si productia de biogaz la Statia de Epurare Oradea
Biogas production and mud treatment at the Oradea Wastewater Treatment Plant
Gheorghe-Costantin Ionescu, Emil Gligor, George-Lucian Ionescu

Scopul tratarii namolurilor este mineralizarea materiilor organice din acestea, pentru a obtine astfel, atat reducerea volumului, respectiv posibilitatea de tratare mai usoara a acestora, precum si cantitati importante de gaz metan, folosit in principal la nevoile statiei de epurare. Namolurile fermentate sunt aproape lipsite de miros si pot fi folosite ca atare sau in diferite scopuri, dupa ce sunt tratate. Oricare ar fi mijlocul de productie utilizat, gazul permite obtinerea celor mai bune bilanturi energetice si ecologice.

The goal of treating sludge is mineralization of organic matter mainly to reduce the volume, which can more easily treated and therefore reducing the important quantities of methane gas, used primarily in the treatment plant needs. Fermented sludge is almost free of odor and can be used alone or in various purposes, after being treated. The quantity and composition of sludge varies depending on the original wastewater or the nature in which the sewage treatment process are applied. The final products of sludge fermentation are solid materials, water sludge (including colloidal solid materials) and also gas. The process of sludge fermentation is considered complete when were obtained 90% of theoretical gas production and sludge has lost a great deal of water, is stable and has a virtually imperceptible odor.

Model dinamic modular pentru simularea sistemelor cu absorbtie (articol in limba engleza)
Modular dynamic model for absorption systems simulation
Dragos Hera, Catalina Vasilescu, Carlos Infante Ferreira

Sistemele cu absorbtie au atras interes in cercetare deoarece ele pot fi actionate de csldurs deseu, energie solars sau geotermals si pot reduce consumul de combustibili fosili si electricitate cu implicatii avantajoase in reducerea poluarii, prin scaderea emisiilor de CO2. Acest articol prezinta un model dinamic modular pentru simularea sistemelor cu absorbtie. Modelul este dezvoltat folosind modelarea orientata-obiect si contine clase pentru toate componentele sistemului care pot fi unor refolosite in diferite configuratii cum ar fi cele cu un efect, dublu efect sau triplu efecte si cu diferite amestecuri. Programul calculeaza temperatura, presiunea, concentratia si entalpia in fiecare punct de stare al sistemului. Fluxul de caldura necesar pentru fiecare component si coeficientul de performanta sunt determinate. O interfata grafica permite utilizatorului sa vada diagrama presiune, temperatura, concentratie a ciclului termodinamic pentru parametrii de functionare specificati.

Absorption systems have attracted research interests because they can be driven by waste heat, solar or geothermal energy and they can reduce fossil fuel and electricity consumption with advantageous implications for pollution reduction, by decreasing CO2 emissions. This paper presents a modular dynamic model for absorption systems simulation. The model is developed using the object-oriented modeling approach and it contains classes for all system components that can be easily reused in different configurations in order to investigate various cycle configurations such as single effect, double-effect or triple-effect and with different working mixtures. The program calculates the temperature, pressure, concentration and enthalpy at each state point in the system. The heat flux required for each component and the coefficient of performance are predicted. A graphical user interface enables the user to view the pressure-temperature-concentration diagram of the thermodynamic cycle for the specified operating parameters.

Reglarea puterii termice livrate de instalatiile interioare de incalzire centrala, factor important in economia consumului de energie
Adjusting the thermal power plants supplied the interior heating, important factor in saving energy
Florin Iordache, Vlad Iordache

Aceasta lucrare isi propune sa evidentieze importanta de modernizare a instalatiilor de incalzire interioara privind performanta energetica a cladirii. Aceasta lucrare prezinta analiza situatiei energetice a patru categorii de cladiri: fara ca si constructia sa fie reabilitata, nici ca instalatia termica sa fie reabilitata, doar reabilitarea constructiei, doar reabilitarea instalatiei, ambele tipuri de reabilitari. Rezultatele sunt prezentate grafic, astfel ca importanta de modernizare a instalatiei de interior este evidentiata.

This paper aims to highlight the importance of modernization of the indoor heating installations on the building's overall energy performance. This paper presents the energy situation analysis of four categories of buildings: neither construction nor installation thermal rehabilitation, only construction rehabilitation, only installation rehabilitation, both rehabilitations. Results are presented graphically so that the importance of modernizing the indoor installation is highlighted.

Solutii tehnice pentru reducerea nivelului de zgomot propagat la functionarea unei spalatorii auto
Technical solutions for reducing the noise propagated to the operation of a carwash
Mariana Cristina Stan, Mircea Alexe

Lucrarea prezinta solutii tehnice pentru reducerea nivelului de zgomot propagat de la o spalatorie auto catre imobilul invecinat, in vederea respectarii legislatiei tehnice in vigoare privind confortul acustic in cladirile invecinate.

This publication describes technical solutions for noise level reduction, propagated from an auto wash house to the neighbouring house, to keep to the active technical laws referring to acoustical confort in neighbouring buildings.

Managementul proiectelor
Project Management
Nicolae Postavaru

Managementul proiectelor este o tema de actualitate dezvoltata pe trei directii: investitional, contractual si personal. Articolul face o prezentare a celor trei directii pentru a intelege mai bine importanta si utilitatea lor.

Project Management is a current theme developed in three directions: investment, contractual and personnel.Article make a presentation of three type mentioned to better understand their importance and usefulness.

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