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  Numarul 2/2014

Volumul 5 (2014), Nr. 2 - Vizualizare numar complet

Heron's fountain demonstrator
Andrei-Mugur Georgescu, Sanda-Carmen Georgescu, Liviu Stroia

Heron's fountain has been described by Heron of Alexandria in his treatise "The Pneumatics". In antiquity, scientists didn't state physical principles governing fluid motion as we do now, but they understood how things worked. We found similarities between Heron's fountain and some modern systems. Heron's original design was modified to make those similarities more obvious, and allow a more continuous use of the fountain. In this paper, we will focus on an experimental setup, which exemplifies the principles of non-isothermal flow in central heating systems.

The impact of road transport on the environment
Elena Otilia Pirlea, Alina Burlacu

Transports play an essential function for the socio-economic development of a region or country. The transport not only provides access to jobs or leisure, housing, goods and services to residents, but it also facilitates relations between countries. The impact of the road transport on the environment is highlighted on the level of all environmental factors through: traffic congestion and accidents; air pollution; noise and vibrations - at the major intersections along roads, near transport nodes; soil and water pollution; occupation of land in urban areas for parking areas; changing eco-urban landscape; production of solid waste (tires, accumulators etc.).

About a method of improving lighting systems for roudabouts
Elena Otilia Pirlea, Gabriel Ispas

In the introductory chapter are presented the norms and rules that form the basis of lighting systems design for roundabouts, both conventional and based on the concept of "ecoluminance". In the second chapter are described the underlying methods used in the theoretical study based on Dialux lighting software, whose running results are discussed in the third chapter. Finally, the appropriate conclusions are mentioned.

Sistem integrat pentru depoluarea vehiculelor scoase din functiune
Integrated System for the Decontamination of Out of Service Vehicles
Catalin Zaharia

Se propune realizarea unui sistem integrat mediului prin neutralizarea, stocarea si procesarea vehiculelor scoase din uz, precum si tratarea materialelor rezultate din depoluarea acestora. Sistemul presupune extragerea de piese de la autovehicule in vederea reciclarii sau refolosirii acestora si recuperarea fluidelor poluante pe care un autovehicul scos din uz le poate contine (lichid de racire, lichid de frana, combustibil, ulei de motor, ulei de cutie de viteze si diferential, etc.). Tema urmareste imbunatatirea calitatii vietii locuitorilor, cu respectarea normelor nationale si ale CEE, privind siguranta in functionare, protectia sanatatii si a vietii, protectia mediului construit si ambient.

It is proposed to achieve an integrated storage and processing of ELVs and treat decontaminated material from them. The system involves removing parts from vehicles for recycling or reuse and recovery of fluids especially polluting a disabled vehicle can contain (cooling liquid, breaking fluid, gasoline, diesel, motor oil, oil gearbox and differential). The theme aims to improve the quality of life with the rules and regulations and the EEC on operational safety, protection of health and life, environmental protection built ambient and industrial recovery It shows the component in percent of various materials in a car, that can be recycled.

Determinarea duratei de reverberatie intr-o sala de invatamant si propunerea unor solutii tehnice de remediere
Determination of the reverberation time in an educational room and proposal of some corrective technical solutions
Mariana Stan, Luminita Anghel

Unul dintre parametrii care trebuie respectati intr-o sala de clasa este durata de reverberatie. Lucrarea prezinta procedura de masurare a duratei de reverberatie si rezultatetele obtinute intr-o sala de clasa de la Facultatea de Ingineria Instalatiilor, Bucuresti. In acelasi timp, lucrarea evidentiaza importanta materialelor fonoabsorbante intr-o sala de invatamant, pentru obtinerea unei durate de reverberatie adecvate, in scopul de a crea un climat acustic favorabil pentru buna intelegere a discursului profesorului.

One of the parameters that must be met to achieve the educational rooms is reverberation time. This paper presents the procedure of measuring reverberation time in a classroom of the Faculty of Building Services and obtained results. In the same time, the paper highlights the importance of sound absorbing materials into an educational room, to obtain an adequate reverberation time, in order to create a favorable acoustic climate for the best understanding of the professor's discourse.

A new approach to teach mathematics for engineers (1). Numerical sets
Rodica-Mihaela Danet, Marian-Valentin Popescu, Iuliana Popescu, Nicoleta Popescu

This paper is the first in a series in which the authors propose to change the face of teaching mathematics in a technical university, especially for first year students who are preparing to become civil engineers. The paper refers to the teaching of concepts related to some sets of real numbers. The main idea is that the exposure rigorous, technique, specific to teach mathematics in a college math is completed by an informal exposure. Thus the authors add historical information, find motivations of the subject discussed, present some applications, mainly in engineering, and states open problems of the field. So, exposure becomes more accessible. Another idea is that even the exposure technique is not usual, the authors preferring gradual exposure, instead of traditional. Also the authors present some computer programs related to the subject and an application in engineering.

Captatoare solare plane cu absorbtie. Aspecte energetice
Solar collectors flat absorption. Energy issues
Florin Iordache

In lucrare se prezinta bilanturile termice globale aferente captatoarelor solare plane cu absorbtie in vederea stabilirii temperaturilor componentelor reprezentative ale captatorului (placa absorbanta si elemente transparente). Se urmareste stabilirea influentei pe care diversii parametrii fizici ai elementelor transparente si gazului dintre placa si elementele transparente o au asupra randamentului de captare si in final asupra performantelor captatoarelor plane cu absorbtie. Rezultatele obtinute sunt prezentate atat numeric cat si grafic.

This paper presents the global thermal balance for flat solar collector absorber to establish temperatures the key components collector (absorber plate and transparent elements). It aims to establish the influence which the various elements of the physical parameters of the gas board and transparent and transparent elements have on capture efficiency and finally the absorption performance flat collectors. The results are presented both numerically and graphically.

COP un indicator energetic pentru instalatiile utilizand energia solara
COP indicator for plants using solar energy
Florin Iordache

Lucrarea de fata are ca obiectiv definirea unui indicator energetic pentru instalatiile utilizand energia solara in cladiri. Sistemul concret la care se face referire este cel de preparare a apei calde pentru un consumator residential. Indicatorul de performanta energetica care este definit aici este coeficientul de performanta (COP) al sistemului de preparare si alimentare cu apa calda al consumatorului, indicator curent intalnit in teoria pompelor de caldura si al instalatiilor frigorifice. In lucrare se defineste toretic acest indicator si se exemplifica distributia anuala a acestui indicator pe perioada unui an in cazul unui consummator concret.

The paper objectiv is to defining an energy indicator for plants using solar energy in buildings. It is a system for the preparation and supply of hot water for residential consumers. Energy performance indicator that is defined here is the coefficient of performance (COP) of the system of preparation and hot water supply, energy indicator that is found in the theory of heat pumps and refrigerating. This paper defines this indicator theory and exemplifies annual distribution of this indicator during a year when a residential consumer.

Imbunatatirea calitatii apei in statiile de tratare cu captare din sursele de suprafata
Improving water quality in water treatment plants with surface water sources
Ion Oprea

Calitatea apei din sursele de suprafata difera de calitatea impusa apei potabile, motivele fiind numarul microorganismelor daunatoare sanatatii (bacterii,virusuri), turbiditatea, etc. Apa bruta trebuie tratata astfel incat sa corespunda din punct de vedere organoleptic, fizico-chimic si bacteriologic. Probele de apa recoltate au fost analizate in cadrul unor cercetari experimentale (4 cicluri experimentale) efectuate pe instalatia pilot, in vederea stabilirii eficientelor de reducere a indicatorilor urmariti: turbiditate, carbon organic total, substante organice, pH. Astfel, la intervale de 1 ora, s-au efectuat analize pentru urmatoarele tipuri de apa: apa decantata, apa filtrata rapid pe nisip, apa filtrata pe carbune activ granular.

The quality of water from surface sources is different from the imposed quality on drinking water, the reasons being the number of harmful microorganisms (bacteria, viruses), turbidity, etc. The raw water is treated to correspond from the organoleptic, physico-chemical and bacteriological point of view. Water samples were analyzed in the context of experimental research (four experimental cycles) performed on the pilot plant in order to establish the reduction efficiency of the targeted indicators: turbidity, total organic carbon, organic matter, pH. Thus, every hour, analyses were performed for the following types of water: settled water, water filtered through rapid sand, granular activated carbon filtered water.

Strategii economice ale sistemului firma de constructii
Management system of construction company
Florentina-Andreea Condurache

In cazul unor schimbari profunde, se impune reformularea misiunii existente a firmei de constructii. Scopul activitatii firmei de constructii evidentiaza ceea ce intentioneaza sa realizeze prin activitatea sa, sub raportul satisfacerii clientilor prin ofertele destinate lor. Orizontul competitional in care va opera firma de constructii precizeaza aspectele privind functionarea acesteia si contextul ei concurential. Strategia firmei de constructii se stabileste pe baza reunirii optiunilor strategice ale diverselor activitati din portofoliul acesteia, in conditiile impuse de realizarea obiectelor si respectarea restrictiilor stabilite la nivelul intregului sistem de constructii.

In case of profound change is necessary to reformulate existing mission of construction company. Scope of work construction company highlights what it intends to achieve through his work in terms of customer satisfaction with dealer for them. Competitive horizon that will operate construction company specifies aspects of its operation and its competitive context. The company's strategy is determined by special reunion strategic options of various activities in its portfolio, the conditions imposed by the objectives of and the restrictions set out in the whole building system.

Strategii si concepte noi in educarea si formarea adultilor
Strategies and concepts in adult education and training
Nicolae Postavaru

Totul pleaca de la cateva probleme sociale care trebuie sa nu devina acute fiindca nu se stie cum mai pot fi tinute in frau daca se depaseste masa critica; 1. Europa nu mai are productie pentru toti locuitorii sai, la care se adauga imbatranirea populatiei si cresterea cheltuielilor sociale; 2. Europa are un nivel de somaj care era de neconceput in anii 90', adica peste 10 % chiar 12 %. Avem o rata a somajului: - in randul tinerilor mai mare de 20%; Spania 50%, Grecia 30%, Italia 20%; Avem locuri de munca neocupate: - peste 2 milioane dintre care peste 500 000 in IT. De aici schimbarea paradigmei din "Scoala comanda" in "Piata comanda". Cine va intelege aceasta schimbare va face fata viitorului apropiat, vorbim din punct de vedere politic. A da alegatorilor tai un loc de munca va fi deviza anilor 20.

It starts from some social problems should not become acute because no one knows what can be kept in check if it exceeds the critical mass; 1. European production does not have all its inhabitants, plus an aging population and increasing social spending; 2. Has a high unemployment Europe that was unimaginable in the 90's, over 10% even 12%. We have an unemployment rate: - Youth greater than 20%; 50% Spain, Greece, 30%, 20% Italy; We have jobs available: - More than 2 million of which over 500 000 IT. Hence changing the paradigm of "control school" to "market order". Who will understand this change will face near future, the political talk. To give your job the voters will be the motto of the '20s.

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